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Share Your Thoughts.

By participating in this quick survey, you can help make WildFinder even better.

What is your age? (mandatory, select one) *

What is the primary reason you are visiting today? *

Please select all additional reasons you are visiting today.

Were you able to complete the purpose of your visit today? If you have not completed your visit yet, please do so and complete the survey when you have finished. *

Was there anything about your experience on our website that you especially enjoyed or found helpful?

Was there anything in particular that took away or otherwise diminished your experience on our website today?

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements as it applies to the content on our website? *
Completely Agree Slightly Agree Slightly Disagree Completely Disagree Not Applicable (did not use this part of the site)
The content was up-to-date
The content had just the right level of detail
The content was easy to read and understand
The content was compelling and engaging
The content was relevant to me

The content was easy to read and understand

The content had just the right level of detail

The content was up-to-date

The content was relevant to me

The content was compelling and engaging

What devices do you primarily use to visit

Are you a WWF member, or have you donated to WWF in the past two years?

What is your level of knowledge about a particular species or ecoregions?

If given the opportunity, would you contribute to ecoregion descriptions via a “ecoregions wiki”?

Thank you so much for your time! Is there anything else you'd like to share with us today?

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